Results for 'Laura Llamas Fraga'

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  1.  86
    Algunas técnicas modernas de traducción en un texto árabe del siglo XI: un pasaje del Kitâb al-hayawân of al-Yâhiz al-Basrî.Laura Llamas Fraga & Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2010 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 17:103-114.
    Tras una breve semblanza del autor y de su obra, se incluye la traducción de un pasaje del Libro de los animales en el que al-Yâhiz alude a la versión de una lengua a otra y se comentan algunas cuestiones planteadas por la moderna teoría de la traducción en relación al mismo.
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    Día Mundial de la Filosofía.Laura Llamas Fraga - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:365-367.
  3. La herencia rawlsiana en el constructivismo de Carlos Nino.Laura Llamas Figini - 2007 - A Parte Rei 49:6.
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  4. El descubrimiento del Otro en la Fenomenología Del Espíritu.Laura Llamas Figini - 2005 - A Parte Rei 37:7.
  5. Husserl: entre la impatía y el solipsismo.Laura Llamas Figini - 2004 - A Parte Rei 35:4.
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    L'intuition dans la philosophie de Jacques Maritain.Laura Fraga de Almeida Sampaio - 1963 - Paris,: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Non-removal strategy for outliers in predictive models: The PAELLA algorithm case.Manuel Castejón-Limas, Hector Alaiz-Moreton, Laura Fernández-Robles, Javier Alfonso-Cendón, Camino Fernández-Llamas, Lidia Sánchez-González & Hilde Pérez - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):418-429.
    This paper reports the experience of using the PAELLA algorithm as a helper tool in robust regression instead of as originally intended for outlier identification and removal. This novel usage of the algorithm takes advantage of the occurrence vector calculated by the algorithm in order to strengthen the effect of the more reliable samples and lessen the impact of those that otherwise would be considered outliers. Following that aim, a series of experiments is conducted in order to learn how to (...)
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    Epistemología y meta-epistemología histórica.María Laura Martínez Rodríguez - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46).
    Lorraine Daston ha señalado la influencia que The emergence of probability de Ian Hacking ha tenido en su trayectoria intelectual y en su elección de la etiqueta epistemología histórica para describir su trabajo. Hacking, por su parte, ha respondido a estos señalamientos que, en primer lugar, Daston y sus colegas no hacen epistemología, sino que más bien estudian conceptos epistemológicos como objetos que evolucionan y mutan; en segundo lugar, que su trabajo sobre la probabilidad no es epistemología histórica sino, en (...)
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    A ordem do discurso: aula inaugural no Collège de Frances, pronunciada em 2 de dezembro de 1970.Michel Foucault - 1996 - São Paulo: Edições Loyola.
    Por Laura Fraga de Almeida Sampaio, tradutora do livro A aula inaugural, que Foucault pronunciou ao assumir a cátedra vacante no Collège de France pela morte de Hyppolite, pode ser considerada um texto de ligação entre suas obras, datadas dos anos 60, como História da loucura, As palavras e as coisas, A arqueologia do saber, centradas predominantemente na análise das condições de possibilidade das ciências humanas, e as que se seguiram a maio de 68, como Vigiar e punir, (...)
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    Metafísica corrompida del «quo est». Examen comparativo del actus essendi a la luz de la composición «cum his» en las exégesis de Cayetano y Capreolo.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (2):255-266.
    Sanciona este trabajo la confusión cayetanista en la inspección del actus essendi como esse actualis existentiae, defendiendo el valor del esse desde una recta lectura a propósito de la división capreolista, más ajustada al dictado del Aquinate: ser formal como complementum substantiae y esse como complementum suppositi. El esse recobra la dignidad metafísica que le otorga Aquino, más densa que el simple valor de existencia, con la diferenciación de una vertiente de composición sustancial y una línea de composición entitativa en (...)
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  11.  25
    Memory for emotional words: The role of semantic relatedness, encoding task and affective valence.Pilar Ferré, Isabel Fraga, Montserrat Comesaña & Rosa Sánchez-Casas - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1401-1410.
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    O encontro entre as religiões na perspectiva da esperança em Jürgen Moltmann.Tiago de Fraga Gomes & Janaina Santos Reus Freitas - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):78-88.
    The present article intends to approach as its theme the encounter between the religions in the perspective of the hope in Jürgen Moltmann. In the first moment, it is noticed that, due to the serious problems that affect today’s society, there is the necessity of having a cooperation among the different religions, which will only be possible if there is a perspective of change based on hope in the transformation of the current reality Secondly, there is the discussion about the (...)
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  13.  16
    Eidos and Identitas Indiscernibilium in Quantum Mechanics.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (1):141-163.
    The principle of identitas indiscernibilium can be thoroughly expressed in a quantum context, overcoming the debate about the possibility of distinction among identical entities according to space-time parameters: the symmetry defined by the exchange of the wave function without overlapping describes the behavior of particles as if they were alike. That nature of the wave function is depicted along the essay as a relational property of observation, not of the quantum object itself, making the principle take an epistemological turn, dissociated (...)
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    Dementia, sexuality and consent in residential aged care facilities.Laura Tarzia, Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh & Michael Bauer - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):609-613.
    Sexual self-determination is considered a fundamental human right by most of us living in Western societies. While we must abide by laws regarding consent and coercion, in general we expect to be able to engage in sexual behaviour whenever, and with whomever, we choose. For older people with dementia living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs), however, the issue becomes more complex. Staff often struggle to balance residents' rights with their duty of care, and negative attitudes towards older people's sexuality (...)
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    Covert shifts of attention function as an implicit aid to insight.Laura E. Thomas & Alejandro Lleras - 2009 - Cognition 111 (2):168-74.
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    Los valores jurídicos como ordenamiento material.Ángel Llamas Cascón - 1993 - Madrid: Boletín Oficial del Estado.
    Apuntes de un enfoque filosófico de los valores. El sistema de los valores en el ordenamiento. Aproximación histórica al mundo moderno. El sistema en su sentido formal. La tensión entre el contenido formal y material de los valores: Heller, Mortati, Schmitt. Los valores y el Derecho. Una propuesta de construcción. Los valores superiores en la Constitución Española de 1978. NIPO: 007-93-027-5 ISBN: 84-340-0607-3 Depósito legal: M 24257-1993.
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  17. Cristología y mariología escotista en Juan de Consuegra (Siglo XVIII).Vicente Llamas Roig - 1993 - Verdad y Vida 51 (202):171-198.
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    Estela Indeterminista Del Quod Est: Función de Onda y Posibilidad Esencial.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 19:209-228.
    La metafísica dinamicista que despunta en la segunda mitad del siglo XIII, reivindicando el estatuto intencional o real disminuido de la esencia como tal a la luz de la novedosa lógica modal, abre la senda al indeterminismo, con la sintaxis de mundos alternos suspendida en la radical contingencia de la creación. El ensayo plantea un diálogo de esa metafísica, en clave de ontología cuántica, con la moderna mecánica de estados posibles que continuará con la revisión del principio de identitas indiscernibilium (...)
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  19. ¿ Y ahora qué?Eloy Llamas Sánchez - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:6-7.
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    Business faculty perceptions and actions regarding ethics education.Laura L. Beauvais, David E. Desplaces, David E. Melchar & Susan M. Bosco - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1):121-136.
    This paper examines faculty perceptions regarding ethical behavior among colleagues and students, and faculty practices with regard to teaching ethics in three institutions over a 4-year period. Faculty reported an uneven pattern of unethical behavior among colleagues over the period. A majority of business courses included ethics, however as both a specific topic on the syllabus and within course discussions. The percentage of courses with ethics discussions increased in 2006, however, the time allocated to these discussions decreased. These results suggest (...)
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  21.  56
    Keeping Disability in Mind: A Case Study in Implantable Brain–Computer Interface Research.Laura Specker Sullivan, Eran Klein, Tim Brown, Matthew Sample, Michelle Pham, Paul Tubig, Raney Folland, Anjali Truitt & Sara Goering - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):479-504.
    Brain–Computer Interface research is an interdisciplinary area of study within Neural Engineering. Recent interest in end-user perspectives has led to an intersection with user-centered design. The goal of user-centered design is to reduce the translational gap between researchers and potential end users. However, while qualitative studies have been conducted with end users of BCI technology, little is known about individual BCI researchers’ experience with and attitudes towards UCD. Given the scientific, financial, and ethical imperatives of UCD, we sought to gain (...)
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  22. The inward outlook: conscious choice as a daily practice.Laura Basha - 2023 - Berkeley, CA: She Writes Press.
    Leveraging a principles-based paradigm, clinical and organizational psychologist Laura Basha gives readers the tools to unlock a new level of decision-making and peace of mind-making it possible for them to enter a more accomplished and confident phase of their lives. Every day, we take in data from the world around us and store that data in our intellect. Then, without conscious awareness, we listen to that data-a process we call "thinking"-and use what it tells us to inform our decisions. (...)
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    Time Processing and Motor Control in Movement Disorders.Laura Avanzino, Elisa Pelosin, Carmelo M. Vicario, Giovanna Lagravinese, Giovanni Abbruzzese & Davide Martino - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  24.  31
    Many moral buttons or just one? Evidence from emotional facial expressions.Laura Franchin, Janet Geipel, Constantinos Hadjichristidis & Luca Surian - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):943-958.
    ABSTRACTWe investigated whether moral violations involving harm selectively elicit anger, whereas purity violations selectively elicit disgust, as predicted by the Moral Foundations Theory. We analysed participants’ spontaneous facial expressions as they listened to scenarios depicting moral violations of harm and purity. As predicted by MFT, anger reactions were elicited more frequently by harmful than by impure actions. However, violations of purity elicited more smiling reactions and expressions of anger than of disgust. This effect was found both in a classic set (...)
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  25. Binary Refinement Implies Discrete Exponentiation.Peter Aczel, Laura Crosilla, Hajime Ishihara, Erik Palmgren & Peter Schuster - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (3):361-368.
    Working in the weakening of constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory in which the subset collection scheme is omitted, we show that the binary refinement principle implies all the instances of the exponentiation axiom in which the basis is a discrete set. In particular binary refinement implies that the class of detachable subsets of a set form a set. Binary refinement was originally extracted from the fullness axiom, an equivalent of subset collection, as a principle that was sufficient to prove that the (...)
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  26.  19
    Subversive Dialogues: Theory In Feminist Therapy.Laura S. Brown - 2004 - Basic Books.
    Feminist therapy is more than a prescription of technique; it is a unique philosophy of psychotherapy. While much has been written on feminism and therapy, this bold book breaks new ground by making explicit and coherent the theoretical underpinnings of feminist therapy.Building on the revolutionary work of feminist scholars who have described how women employ strategies of knowing the world in a manner distinct from men, Laura S. Brown, noted for her pioneering work in the field of ethics and (...)
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    Comment choisir son camp. Interroger l'expérience et évaluer les hypothèses dans la Lettre sur les aveugles de Diderot.Laura Berchielli - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):147-168.
    In his Letter on the Blind, Denis Diderot describes, based on mathematical physics, a method for evaluating hypotheses in situations where certainty cannot be reached. This article's thesis is that the author of the Letter extends this method to metaphysical questions of finalism and idealism. Diderot presents each pair of antagonistic positions (finalism-antifinalism and idealism-realism) in such a way that readers are invited to carefully weigh the arguments and to choose the one that appears to be the best, or most (...)
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    First-Time Mothers’ and Fathers’ Developmental Changes in the Perception of Their Daughters’ and Sons’ Temperament: Its Association With Parents’ Mental Health.Cristina Sechi, Laura Vismara, Luca Rollè, Laura Elvira Prino & Loredana Lucarelli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Perceptions, values and behaviour: The case of organic foods.Mette Wier, Laura Mørch Andersen, Katrin Millock, Katherine O'Doherty Jensen & Lars Rosenkvist - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values.
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    What you see is what you get: webcam placement influences perception and social coordination.Laura E. Thomas & Daniel Pemstein - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  31.  26
    Comparative Philosophy and Practical Applied Ethics.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2024 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 51 (1):44-53.
    Comparative philosophy is gaining traction in professional academic philosophy, with specialist journals, organizations, books, and public campaigns. These inroads have been made in canonical areas of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and value theory. Yet comparative philosophy still plays little role in practical applied ethics, an interdisciplinary research area in which work with practice and policy implications are dominated by the anglophone world. In this article, I explain why comparative work might be especially difficult in this type of applied ethics, (...)
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    (1 other version)Transplanting liberty : LaFayette's American garden.Laura Aurrichio - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien (eds.), Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 93–105.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Lafayette's American Plants English Agrarian Influences Transforming La Grange Planting Politics at La Grange Notes.
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    Venus Inferred.Laura Letinsky - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    We are all, it is said, looking for love. But what does love look like? Does it look the way it feels? The visual vocabulary of romance-its attendant comforts and vulnerabilities, ambivalences and unclarities-is the subject of Venus Inferred. This collection of 46 richly reproduced color photographs is Laura Letinsky's study of contemporary lovers as they are seen, as they show, and as they see themselves making love and inhabiting domestic space. Entering what might be called the intimate sphere, (...)
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  34. Um Embrião não é um Indivíduo (An Embryo is not an Individual).Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2019 - Dissertatio 49:133-145.
    Um argumento recorrente contra a liberalização do aborto parte do pressuposto de que, desde o momento da fertilização, seres humanos são indivíduos (no sentido de serem algo que necessariamente ocorre em uma entidade apenas). Nesse artigo, argumento que esse não é um caso a partir da possibilidade de geminação monozigótica e do fato de identidades serem necessárias. Defendo as premissas do argumento e discuto as possíveis interpretações de sua conclusão. Argumento que a interpretação completa da conclusão desse argumento está em (...)
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    Mental health literacy: a cross-cultural approach to knowledge and beliefs about depression, schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder.Laura Altweck, Tara C. Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi & Katharina Lefringhausen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139462.
    Many families worldwide have at least one member with a behavioral or mental disorder, and yet the majority of the public fails to correctly recognize symptoms of mental illness. Previous research has found that Mental Health Literacy (MHL)—the knowledge and positive beliefs about mental disorders—tends to be higher in European and North American cultures, compared to Asian and African cultures. Nonetheless quantitative research examining the variables that explain this cultural difference remains limited. The purpose of our study was fourfold: (a) (...)
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  36.  21
    Antigua luna (2017) de Magda Zavala.Laura Fuentes Belgrave & Magda Zavala - 2020 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (26):119-122.
    La ciudad de Antigua, en Guatemala, ha sido y continúa siendo evocada a través de la palabra diluida en la historia y la memoria. Prueba de ello es el libro Poesía-documento, titulado Antigua Luna (2017), de la escritora costarricense Magda Zavala, publicado en 2017 por la editorial Letra Maya, dentro de la Colección Kayab, en Costa Rica. Este poemario, dividido en tres secciones; I. Capital de los Confines, II. Espacios y voces y III. La visitante, recoge entre sus versos los (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: la storia per la politica.Laura Bazzicalupo - 1995 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
    Comments on Arendt's views on the link between politics and history, referring to her work on antisemitism and on the "Jewish question" (pp. 44-51). Defines Arendt's historiographical method as non-temporal - she focuses on individualized experiences which express a historical conflict; she prefers biographies, portraits, and chronicles. Arendt's non-temporal approach is expressed in the assertion that the tragedy of the Jews in Europe was rooted in the paradox that the political powers granted them rights and privileges, but excluded them, in (...)
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    Politica: rappresentazioni e tecniche di governo.Laura Bazzicalupo - 2013 - Roma: Carocci.
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    American Indian Literary Nationalism by Jace Weaver et al.Laura J. Beard - 2006 - Intertexts 10 (2):183-187.
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    Editorial Julio-diciembre 2021.Laura Fuentes Belgrave - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (28):5-7.
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    Tránsitos identitarios: de la Gran Nicoya al Caribe hispánico.Laura Fuentes Belgrave - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (27):5-6.
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  42. Escasez y serialidad en la perspectiva de la razón dialéctica sartreana.Laura Benítez - 1988 - Analogía Filosófica 2 (2):89.
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  43. Los argumentos escépticos cartesianos.Laura Benítez - 1989 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 15 (1):85.
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    Newton's notion of matter in the 'De aere et aethere'.Laura Benítez - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:17.
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    Modeling the art historical canon.Laura M. F. Bertens - 2022 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 21 (3):240-262.
    Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 240-262, July 2022. Although the art historical canon has been the subject of fierce debate, it remains an essential construct, shaping textbooks and survey courses. Visual representations of the canon often illustrate these narratives. Students encounter diagrams in their studies and it is important to make them aware of the illusion of scientific objectivity. This paper proposes the use of the computer ontology, as a modeling tool with which students (...)
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  46. Representing color: Discussions and problems.Laura Berchielli - 1995 - In Bilder Im Geiste: Zur Kognitiven Und Erkenntnistheoretischen Funktion Piktorialer Repräsentationen. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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  47. Croce e la letteratura dialettale: Giornata di studi, Roma, Biblioteca nazionale centrale, 11 dicembre 1996.Laura Biancini, Leonardo Lattarulo & Franco Onorati (eds.) - 1997 - Roma: Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma.
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    Targeting a novel apoptotic pathway in human disease.Francesca D'Addio, Laura Montefusco, Maria Elena Lunati, Ida Pastore, Emma Assi, Adriana Petrazzuolo, Virna Marin, Chiara Bruckmann & Paolo Fiorina - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200231.
    Apoptotic pathways have always been regarded as a key‐player in preserving tissue and organ homeostasis. Excessive activation or resistance to activation of cell death signaling may indeed be responsible for several mechanisms of disease, including malignancy and chronic degenerative diseases. Therefore, targeting apoptotic factors gained more and more attention in the scientific community and novel strategies emerged aimed at selectively blocking or stimulating cell death signaling. This is also the case for the TMEM219 death receptor, which is activated by a (...)
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    (1 other version)The Fear of Secession.Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2017 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2.
    The Author presents the theoretical framework of this «Governare lapaura»’ issue on the Fear of Secession. Starting from the recent cases of the Brexit and the Catalonian referendum, the main goal of this issue is reflecting on the relationship between the political crisis of unitary State and the revival of secession.
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  50. Aportes para un lenguaje de la coproducción.María Laura Martínez - 2016 - In María Martini, Roberto Marafioti & Florencia Rimoldi (eds.), Pasajes y paisajes: reflexiones sobre la práctica científica. Moreno, prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editora Universidad Nacional de Moreno.
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